Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lawn Sign

We are looking to collect the "We Support Edina Teachers" lawn signs.

If it's convenient for you, you can bring the sign to the Education Minnesota offices at 4510 W. 77th St., Suite 120. You can also return the sign to your child's teacher.

If neither of these options works, contact Valerie Pedersen at valerie.pedersen@educationminnesota.org or 952-831-7799 with your name, address, phone number and/or e-mail and we will arrange to pick the sign up.

Thank you for your support!

School Board Contact Information

Randy Meyer-Chair
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7308
H: 952-920-4373 Cell: 612-720-3711

Idith Almog-Vice Chair
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7310
H: (952) 920-9423/9421

Bert Ledder-Clerk
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7316
H: 952-941-9083

Peyton Robb-Treasurer
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7313
W/Cell: 612-669-2488

Cathy Cella-Assistant Treasurer
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7309
H: 952-829-5302

Regina Neville-Assistant Clerk
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7307
H: 952-351-4164

Lonni Skrentner-Assistant Clerk
(Voicemail) 952-848-3912 x7312
H/Cell: 952-994-7804